The Modern Day Samaritan Woman

"One woman's powerful testimony of salvation by grace through the living waters of the Messiah, now being used to heal the nations."

Help For The Hurt…

Are you, or someone you know, silently suffering from the deep wounds of trauma or addiction? For those who feel unwanted, abandoned, and burdened by shame, this internal battle can leave you feeling overwhelmed and isolated, yearning for a safe place to confront your deep emotional wounds. The Modern Day Samaritan Women was created to address these challenges. Founded by Laura Lee, a passionate advocate who has walked this difficult path herself, she offers specialized healing retreats that provide women with a compassionate space to begin their recovery journey. In addition to these retreats, Laura Lee raises awareness about addiction and trauma through educational resources and conferences. By equipping religious leaders with the tools and knowledge needed to support survivors, she aims to ensure that everyone God puts in her path can find the healing, worth, and belonging they deserve.

Meet Laura Lee…

Laura Lee is a Modern-Day Samaritan Woman dedicated to guiding others toward the healing and freedom she found through Yeshua. Like the woman at the well from the Bible (John 4:7-29), she was seen by God, confronted, and set free by the Messiah, and now she shares her story to testify to His transformative power. Her empathy for others comes from her journey through shame and despair, where Yeshua met her, understood her struggles, and healed her. Combining her personal experience with her professional background in Chemical Dependency Counseling and certifications in Peer Recovery and Substance Abuse, Laura Lee offers both compassionate understanding and expert guidance to those seeking healing.

Empowering people to get them out of victimhood and into victory.

Visit the Blog: Read Laura Lee’s personal stories and insights for comfort and guidance.

Engage with Resources: Utilize Laura Lee's tools and resources for emotional and spiritual healing.

Join the Community: Participate in a supportive community where you can share your story and receive support {coming soon}.

Start living with purpose and fulfillment…

“Are you ready to transform your life from feeling powerless to living triumphantly? Imagine shedding the weight of shame and embracing a life full of purpose and freedom. This journey offers you a renewed sense of self and a deeper connection to your faith. Ignoring these wounds will only leave you feeling adrift, missing out on the profound healing and change that awaits you.

Just like the woman at the well, who moved from isolation and heartbreak to discovering her worth and purpose through an encounter with Yeshua, you too can experience this profound transformation. I, too, understand these struggles intimately, having faced and overcome them myself.

Now, it’s your turn to step into this new chapter of your life. Book a free call with me today, and let’s begin your journey towards a more purposeful and fulfilling life. Don’t wait—your path to healing and empowerment starts now.”